This is probably the hardest, and by far the most bittersweet, post I will make on here. On May 26th, my family suffered the greatest and unexpected loss of my father, Joe. Though we take solace he did not suffer at all and was in a place he loved, we are left with an immense hole in our hearts. The outpouring of love and support from family, friends, students, and colleagues has been a true testament to my father's endless love and kindness. We give our heartfelt thanks to everyone. As a former Roman Catholic priest, he was not only father to his family, but to a larger family of anyone who needed him, as his love transcended to all of God’s creation. It is in his unyielding faith that we attempt to move forward, loving one another. He was my first love, my truest friend, and my lifesaver. He can never be replaced, and I'd give anything just to hug him and tell him I love him again, but I know his spirit lives on in all of us... especially since on June 5th, just 3 days after we laid him to rest, we welcomed into this world my second son, Charles Joseph (my dad's name reversed). In a time of great sadness, Charlie has brought an immeasurable amount of joy to our hurting hearts. We truly believe his early arrival was an act from Heaven above 😇

Pictures (from L to R): (1) my dad holding me for the first time the day I was born; my dad and first son reading together last year; together on my wedding day; his last Facebook post minutes before he passed; a most appropriate quote; the two of us at a dear friend's wedding (2009); Charlie Joe a few days old; Christian meeting his little brother for the first time. (2) A poem and tribute written by dear family friends, capturing the essence of my dad.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal."
I love you forever, Dad.
-Always, your Mariuzi Cuzi